Executive CommitteePresident: Andi Porter Humphries '72
Vice President: Vacant Treasurer: Jeff Harr '72 Secretary: Danielle Mogan Stultz '04 Past President: Casey Lockard '11 Board MembersNancy Ankrom Dye '56
Carol Ann Johnson Bowling '57 Patty Ankrom Truex '73 Rick Bumgarner '74 Tom Strawser '76 Julie Kazmierczak Scherer '78 Katie Love VanDette '04 Jenny Scherer Griffin '06 Kara Valentine Davis '07 Maria Richards Roberts '10 CommitteesNewsletter: Andi Porter Humphries
Achievement HoF: Julie Kazmierczak Scherer Data Consultant: Don Wolford Website: Maria Roberts Social Media: Katie Love VanDette Roundtown Classic: Carrie Patrick Ditty '97 CHS Plus 50 (AKA "Nifty Fifty")
Contact usPlease use this section to send us a note or to notify us of any changes you have experienced recently, such as address, email, marriage, etc. If your spouse is a CHS graduate please submit two forms and add a note in the comments.
The Circleville High School Alumni Association is always looking for individuals who are interested in helping to further the cause of the Alumni Association by serving on the board of directors or volunteering to assist with our many activities throughout the year. If you are a CHS graduate and are interested in learning more about how you can be a part of the Alumni Association, we would encourage you to enter your contact information below.